Pineapple Coconut Cake with Coconut Lemon Icing

    1. Prepare Pineapple Purée: Chop 1/2 of a small/medium pineapple (peeled) into chunks, then blend in a high-speed blender until smooth. You’ll need 1 1/2 cups (350 grams) of purée for this recipe. Set aside.
    2. Preheat Oven: Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C) and line a 9-inch (23 cm) cake pan with parchment paper. Note: I used an 8-inch (20 cm) pan and had some leftover batter, which I used for muffins.
    3. Process Dry Ingredients: In a food processor or blender, process all dry ingredients (rice flour, oat flour, cornstarch, shredded coconut, ground flax seeds, baking powder, and baking soda).

    1. Combine Wet and Dry Ingredients: Add the wet ingredients (pineapple purée, coconut milk, maple syrup, and vanilla extract) to the dry ingredients and pulse again until just combined.
    2. Bake: Pour the mixture into the prepared cake pan and bake in the preheated oven for about 45-50 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.
    3. Cool: Let the cake cool in the pan for 10-15 minutes, then transfer it to a cooling rack to cool completely.

  1. Prepare Icing: In a small bowl, mix the ingredients for the icing (powdered erythritol, coconut milk, and lemon juice) with a whisk until smooth.
  2. Drizzle Icing: Once the cake is fully cooled, drizzle the icing over the top. Let the icing set before serving.


    • Flour: You can use regular flour instead of rice flour if the recipe doesn’t need to be gluten-free.

  • Cornstarch: Potato flour should work as a substitute.
  • Shredded Coconut: You can use 75 grams of ground, blanched almonds (almond flour) instead. Any other ground nuts should be fine too.
  • Maple Syrup: Any other liquid sweetener can be used.

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